Many consumers wonder why they have inaccurate judgment, criminal record, and bankruptcy information on their credit report. The answer lies in the process in which the credit reporting agencies obtain the information. Often times the information is obtained from entities called pubic record vendors. These vendors obtain information from courthouse records, but the data mined from the courthouse can be old, modified, or limited in content. The identifying information acquired can be as little as a common name and a street address, which leads to wrong information matching to another consumer’s credit report. Many of these records do not contain social security numbers which also makes it more likely that the wrong public record information will match to the wrong credit report. This leads to consumers having credit reports containing erroneous felony convictions, convictions that were of a lesser offense, inaccurate bankruptcy listings, and inaccurate judgment information on a credit file. These are serious problems than can cost a consumer a mortgage or a job offer.
One of the largest entities possessing public record information is a company called Lexis-Nexis. Lexis-Nexis has lots of data in its files on all of us, and it has purchased many smaller public record vendors so that it can have even more data. Many consumers know to monitor their financial credit report, but they should also monitor information contained in their public record for other types of inaccuracies that are different than traditional credit accounts like criminal convictions and tax liens. Many employers are conducting background checks, and you should know the information thats is reported about your history. You can obtain a copy of your Lexis-Nexis file by following the instructions from Lexis-Nexis at the following link. .
Inaccurate criminal record information and inaccurate judgment information can be some of the worst inaccuracies possible in the area of credit reports, and can be very difficult to have removed from your file. If you have this highly damaging information on your credit record, you should consult an attorney who specializes in credit report law. I would be happy to discuss any issues with you.